Sunday, June 15, 2014


To those people who are super photogenic all the time.. I envy you guys.
Because I can never take a good photo whenever I try hard or not.
Whether it is a good smile, lighting, or angle coming from the photograph, I still look like a person who had just got out of jail.
This is why whenever photo taking is in session, I give up on trying to look good and look "fabulous" instead.

*strike a pose*

*smile like theres no tomorrow*

*question life itself*

Either I'm having too much fun looking goofy in photos or I have serious issues.


Life is too short to wast time on good photos - yiphann 2014

Things You Won't Believe Crocodiles Are Learning to Do

Soo recently I have read an article concerning crocodiles and their nature habits..
The thing is, recently those hard scaled meat chomping reptiles have learnt to actually CLIMB TREES
Its scary enough to know you might encounter one of them while swimming in rivers but to see them above you on trees is taking horror to a whole new level

when you thought it was safe to build a tree house or pluck mangos from trees,


Apparently scientists have theorized that the reason was because they are probably trying to control their body temperature by basking under the sunlightAs much as I think that its cool that these reptiles have evolved to become prime predators in rivers, being face to face with one will definitely send me running back home and hiding under the blankets.

source of article at:

Monday, June 2, 2014


It was the month of May and I have just recently finished the second semester of the year in my studies. SEM BREAK MOOD was all on the rise as holidays arrived along with it.

After months of tedious work on assignments and studying it was always good to have a break from all of it. This was when my family decided on a 3 day 2 night vacation trip to Pangkor Island which was situated in the state of Perak.

I have always loved nature and going to the beach since I was a child so I was naturally excited for the trip.
It took us at least 3 to 4 hours of driving and ferry till we finally managed to reached our destination.
Once we checked in to the hotel and unload our luggage, it was beach beach beach all the way for me already.

One thing that I always do at beaches is finding and catching crabs. The big ones are harder to find and are quick on their feet. To catch a proper sized crab you gotta be cunning, quick, and silent at the same time.

 STEP ONE: Scout from a distance for any moving things on the sand.

 STEP TWO:  Approach silently with caution and take notice on the crab’s movements. This is because                              before anyone gets close to a crab they usually scurry away in to their holes in the sand.

STEP THREE: By now the crab would have noticed you approaching towards it and already took shelter in                         their holes. This is where it is important to remember exactly which hole the crab went in to


STEP FIVE: Be quick with your hands and pick the crab up on its hind side and pray that you do not lose a                     finger